This striking bouquet boasts a wonderful selection of mixed peonies, full bloom roses, lilac and white stocks complimented with scented seasonal foliage is guaranteed to WOW! Your beautiful blooms will be hand- wrapped by our florist team and delivered in our exclusively designed flower box. This bouquet is a scented sensation celebrating the arrival of peony season.
Styled here in our Florist Shop 30cm Bucket as a complete gift (Please note this bucket is not watertight and requires a cello insert)
Sarah’s handcrafted cards ~ We have our very own in-house floral artist who creates stunning little hand-drawn cards. Perfect for making your gift message a little more special.
Choc’s With Love ~ We have recently sourced a wonderful small batch local supplier of handcrafted chocolate bites. With orange zest, fruit, nuts and seeds to make your floral gift a little extra special.
Made from:
A wonderful selection of mixed peonies, full bloom roses, lilac and white stocks complimented with scented seasonal foliage hand crafted into a striking bouquet by our florist team
Height: 50-60cm approx. (Florist bucket not included)