Grand ~Morning Meadow Bouquet


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Our charming Morning Meadow bouquet is the perfect blend of rustic beauty and natural elegance. Featuring a delightful combination of lilac, pink and white roses, spray roses, thistles,lisanthus, agapanthus, daisies, sedum and mixed herbs. All carefully hand-tied by our skilled florists. Ideal for any special events, or as a thoughtful gift to brighten up any home. Order now for next day and dated delivery nationwide, and bring the beauty of the countryside into your life.

Sarah’s handcrafted card ~ We have our very own in-house floral artist who creates stunning little hand-drawn cards. Perfect for making your gift message a little more special.

Choc’s With Love ~ We have recently sourced a wonderful small batch local supplier of handcrafted chocolate bites. With indulgent orange zest, fruit, nuts and seeds to make your floral gift a little extra special.

Made from:

Luxury lilac, pink and white roses, mixed spray roses, thistles, lisanthus, agapanthus, daisies, sedum and mixed herbs


Height: 50-60cm approx (vase not included)

    • Choose Your Delivery Date

      We offer next day and named day delivery across the UK 6 days a week. Next Day cut off 1pm or choose Named Day delivery for a special date, birthday, anniversary or just because. RM Tracked 24

    • £7.99
    • Express Delivery 1-2 Working Days

      Sent same day Mon-Fri on orders placed before 1pm with expected delivery 1-2 working days from dispatch. RM24

    • £7.99
    • Same Day & Named Local Delivery

      Local orders are hand-delivered 9am - 6pm Mon to Sat. Same Day cut off 1pm or choose Named Day delivery for a special birthday, anniversary or just because. Postcodes eligible for Local Delivery: SL1-6-7-8-9 HP9-10-12-14-15 RG9

    • £6.99
    • Standard Nationwide

      Sent Mon-Fri delivery 4-5 working days from dispatch. RM48 service Free on all orders over £75

    • £4.99
    • Click & Collect

      Free Collection from both Marlow & Bourne End. Select your collection location and date at checkout. Collection is available after 10am on selected day.

    • Free

How to care for your purchase:

Your gift has been created by our in-house florists, we take care to ensure your flowers arrive looking their best, but please follow these simple instructions:

1. Remove all packaging but be careful not to cut the raffia keeping your bouquet’s beautiful form.

2. Trim a little off each stem at an angle with a sharp knife or secateurs so your flowers can easily take up water after their journey.

3. Half fill your bucket or vase with fresh water.

4. Add the special flower food supplied with your flowers. Check the water every couple of days - some flowers are really thirsty!