Our charming Morning Meadow bouquet is the perfect blend of rustic beauty and natural elegance. Featuring a delightful combination of lilac, pink and white roses, spray roses, thistles,lisanthus, agapanthus, daisies, sedum and mixed herbs. All carefully hand-tied by our skilled florists. Ideal for any special events, or as a thoughtful gift to brighten up any home. Order now for next day and dated delivery nationwide, and bring the beauty of the countryside into your life.
Sarah’s handcrafted card ~ We have our very own in-house floral artist who creates stunning little hand-drawn cards. Perfect for making your gift message a little more special.
Choc’s With Love ~ We have recently sourced a wonderful small batch local supplier of handcrafted chocolate bites. With indulgent orange zest, fruit, nuts and seeds to make your floral gift a little extra special.
Made from:
Luxury lilac, pink and white roses, mixed spray roses, thistles, lisanthus, agapanthus, daisies, sedum and mixed herbs
Height: 50-60cm approx (vase not included)