Indulge in the passion of this stunning luxury mixed rose bouquet. Carefully hand-crafted this beautiful bouquet features the opulent ‘Red Explorer’ roses combined with a wonderful selection of premium blush and deep pink roses intertwined with hints of delicate pink wax flower. A final touch of Parvi, Eucalyptus and Grass foliage adds a touch of elegance and sophistication to this luxurious bouquet which is guaranteed to Wow! Please note: Image represents 12 rose bouquet option.
Sarah’s handcrafted cards ~ We have our very own in-house floral artist who creates stunning little hand-drawn cards. Perfect for making your gift message a little more special.
Choc’s With Love ~ We have recently sourced a wonderful small batch local supplier of handcrafted chocolate bites. With orange zest, fruit, nuts and seeds to make your floral gift a little extra special.
Made from:
Luxury Explorer red roses, powder pink and cerise roses sit among delicate wax flower, eucalyptus and parvi for the perfect hand-tied bouquet.
Height ~ 60cm approx (Vase not included)