This is an irresistibly Christmassy bouquet for everyone who craves all the comforting rituals of the festive season. You won’t go far wrong with this long-lasting bouquet filled with white amaryllis nestled among scented mixed eucalyptus and pussy willow. Your festive flowers will be hand-tied into a stunning bouquet by our expert florist on day of dispatch.
Sarah’s handcrafted cards ~ We have our very own in-house floral artist who creates stunning little hand-drawn cards perfect for making your gift message a little more special!
Choc’s With Love ~ We have recently sourced a wonderful small batch local supplier of handcrafted chocolate bites with indulgent orange zest crammed with fruit, nuts and seeds to make your floral gift a little extra special!
Made from:
White Amaryllis stems crafted into a spiral bouquet with pussy willow and eucalyptus.
Height ~ 50cm approx