Send a little Christmas cheer this season with this opulent hand-made bouquet showcasing a mass of deep ruby red roses, winter red gerbera, purple thistles, sprigs of winter berries and pussy willow stems. Exclusively designed by our in-house team for a truly unique gift this season for special friends and dearest family.
Sarah’s handcrafted card ~ We have our very own in-house floral artist who creates stunning little hand-drawn cards perfect for making your gift message a little more special!
Choc’s With Love ~ We have recently sourced a wonderful small batch local supplier of handcrafted chocolate bites with indulgent orange zest crammed with fruit, nuts and seeds to make your floral gift a little extra special!
Made from:
Each bouquet is filled with fabulous red blooms including red roses, red gerbera, pussy willow, thistles and mixed berries and winter foliage.
Height ~ 50cm approx